Singapore 48th National Day celebration in Bukit Brown.

This is the second year, the Bukit Brown volunteers (Brownies) held its National Day celebration in Bukit Brown. This year also marks the year that the landscape of Bukit Brown will change forever with the impending exhumation and highway confirmed via announcement of the Tender award and press announcement. Will there be another celebration in Bukit Brown come 2014, we don't know and only time will tell.

For now, we paid respects to the memories of the 4,153 graves and the flora and fauna that will displaced forever and with it also the continued danger that the rest of Bukit Brown will also be in the future, destroyed.  In my mind, i worry that Bukit Brown Cemetery might never have the chance in the future to qualify as a UNESCO World Heritage site when this 8 lane highway changes it landscape for good. What will also happen to the unclaimed tombs exhumed ? This poor souls will be disposed to sea if left unclaimed eventually. This and the fact that we have failed to spread the word or moved the heart and minds of the rest of the citizens and the leaders who could have change the situation, slowly sunk in. I was very sad, but i know this was not the appropriate time to display it. What we need to display was our continued strength, courage and to demonstrate our continued drive to raise awareness no matter what.

I am pleased to observed that rather than lament or complain on what could have been and what more can be done, the Brownies took it in stride, conducting tours  for the many first time visitors and repeat visitors too. (3 different groups going to various different hills) The Singapore anthem and pledge followed after that and in true blue Brownie and Singapore tradition, we celebrated with food, music and good company. We continue hoping and continue spreading the message of the rich heritage and habitat of Bukit Brown.

Happy 48th Birthday Singapore ! As per this year's theme, Many Stories, One Singapore, there are also many, many stories from the pioneers and it descendants, let's not forget there is also only one Bukit Brown. We hope this stories are kept intact forever, as Singapore grows and progress as a nation rich in wealth and also heart ! Majulah Singapura !

August 9 visitors at Chew Boon Lay

Coming together for the anthem and pledge

Coming together for the anthem and pledge

A minute of solemn silence

Official report on NDP 2013 @Bukit Brown available on Bukit



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