Madam Yeo Tuck Quan (Bukit Brown)

Madam Yeo Tuck Quan passed away at the age of 63 on 23 December 1927.
Listed on her tomb are the names of her children;
Sons: Cheok Guan Leong, Cheok Guan Kee
Daughter: Cheok Gek Eng 
Grandsons: Sunny Cheok, Johnny Cheok, Cheok Teck Khoon
Granddaughters: Nellie, Daisy, Maudie, Doris, Jenny, Peggy, Mabel, Pet, Lily, Lucie, Dolly, Baby, Stella, Soo Bee

The obituary notice however has more information - Madam Yeo Tuck Quan passed away at the age of 63 on 5am on 23 December 1927 at her residence, No. 8 Lloyd Road. She leaves behind
4 sons; Cheok Guan Leong, Cheok Guan Kee, Cheok Cheng Hong, Cheok Cheng Kee,
2 daughters
1 son-in-law: Chan Peng Soon 
26 grandchildren. 

Madam Yeo Tuck Quan


Husband: Cheok Hong Yam
In an advertisement titled "Prompt Settlement" , Cheok Guan Leong thanked the Manager of The Shanghai Life insurance Co.Ltd in helping process the claim of his father Cheok Hong Yam of No. 184, Havelock Road who was insured for $1,000. under policy No. 15846. Cheok Guan Leong expressed his thanks stating that despite his father paying only 1 year's premium amounting to $142.60, the claims were processed fast. This was also an advertorial of sorts for the insurance company. 
In an earlier article dated 11 March 1909 listed Mr. Cheok Hong Yam was a bankrupt (under The Bankruptcy Ordinance, 1888). No further information. 

Son: Cheok Guan Leong 
Cheok Guan Leong was a Produce Storekeeper for 34 years with Boustead & Co. Ltd and was promoted to Chief Produce Stokeeper in 1929. He worked up to 3 February 1936 before he was dismissed. On 13 May 1936, Cheok Guan Leong appeared before the Third Magistrate on a charge of willfully and with intent to defraud, falsify 19 copra stock lists (that there were 25,00 piculs of copra in the godown at Robertson Quay whereas in reality there were only about 10,000). The original charge was one of criminal breach of trust in respect of 14,000 piculs of copra valued at $70,000. A coolie by the name of Tan Eng Chiang giving evidence claimed that Cheok Guan Leong offered him $200 if he would help burn down the godown. In his defense, Cheok Guan Leong trusted his staff and a relative of his by the name of Tan Seng Poon (responsible for copra and gambier) who falsified this copra transactions and there was huge shortfall. Tan Seng Poon died suddenly during questioning and the party he was colluding with had already absconded. Cheok Guan Leong then came clean and reported to his management stating that he was not the one responsible for "hollow stacking" and denied telling the collie to set fire to the godown. The preceding Acting Chief Justice remarking that the accused seemed to have been the victim of unfortunate circumstances decided to sentence him to 1 month's rigorous imprisonment  (instead of a longer term ). Cheok Guan Leong passed away on 1 June 1968.

Cheok Guan Leong and family (photo courtesy of Stephen Cheok)

In the photos above (identifiable) are Cheok Hock Siew Sunny and Cheok Hock Teck Johnny.

Daughter-in-law: Madam Leong Gim Chye / Mrs. Cheok Guan Leong 
Madam Leong Gim Chye passed away at the age of 65 at her residence at 932 Geylang Road in November 1953. She is the wife of Mr. Cheok Guan Leong. Her cortege left for Bidadari.

Daughter-in-law: ? / Mrs. Cheok Guan Leong
The family of the late Mrs. Cheok Guan Leong thank relatives and friends for the attendance at the funeral on 11 March 1955 

Grandson: Johnny Cheok / Johnny Cheok Hock Teck (?)
Johnny Cheok Hock Teck married Lily Tan Mie Hua (daughter of Mr. Tan Choo Sin and Madam Ivy Lee Kui Eng). From what i can gather they have a daughter, Jennifer Cheok Kiat Mui. (this is still uncertain for now)

Granddaughter Lily Cheok 
The engagement is announced on 7 January 1942 between Mr. Tan Kwang Meng (eldest son Madam Tay Joo Siok and the late Mr. Tan Leng Chye) and Miss Lily Cheok (third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cheok Guan Leong). 

Grandson: Hallie Cheok
Hallie (6th son of Mr. and Mrs. Cheok Guan Leong) and Juliet Ho (youngest daughter of Mr. Ho Poh Yong and the late Mrs. Ho Poh Yong) on 3 October 1958. 

Son: Cheok Guan Kee
Cheok Guan Kee passed away at the age of 90 on 15 April 1975 leaving behind a son, 10 daughters, 10 sons-in-law, a daughter-in-law, grandchildren and great grandchildren. Not much information other then his involvement in the 1920's with the Straits Junior Association 

Tomb embellishments

Five color Flags
At the mound of the tomb, there are engravings that represent the five color flags of modern China post 1911. See another which i shared before.

Three Immortals Fu, Lu, Shou ( 福祿寿 Fortune, Prosperity, Longevity)

[research on-going]

Location of tomb 

Block 2 Division G, plot 171 
8RQF+G2H Singapore

Madam Yeo Tuck Quan tomb in Bukit Brown 



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