Timothy G. Crowley (Kranji War Memorial)

Timothy G. Crowley's marble tomb in Kranji War Memorial caught my attention, as his tomb states:
In loving memory of our beloved son
Timothy G. Crowley (A.M.D.G.W)
aged 29 years
killed in Singapore Riots
11th Dcember 1950

What was this Singapore riots mentioned here? Delving a bit deeper, i found out that Timothy G. Crowley was one of the victim's of the Maria Hertogh riots that took place in Singapore between 11 and 13 December 1950. The riots left 18 dead and 173 injured.

Mr. Timothy G. Crowley married Miss Josephine Mary Maher (of Liverpool) at the Cathedral of Good Shepherd on 9 December 1950. Mrs. Josephine Crowley became a widow 2 days later when her husband, Timothy G. Crowley, who was attached with Air Ministry Directorate-General of Works (A.M.D.G.W) was murdered on 11th December 1950 when a group of rioters were witnessed to have stopped a car at the junction of Tanjong Katong Road and Mountbatten Road and Timothy G. Crowley and Harry Frank Taylor were pulled out of the car and set upon. Their bodies were later found on the grass verge or in some other reports, a drain. Corporal Wan Ishak bin Wan Abdullah of 223 Base Ordnance Depot was present onsite and bravely went to help Mrs. Crowley, Mrs.Taylor and her small son and get them to safety by running to a nearby hotel. Another witness, Johnney Mortell, a boxer was at the hotel main entrance, sheltered the women and child and later contacted the military.

Corporal Wan Ishak bin Wan Abdullah went on to received a King's Commission for bravery. Josephine Mary Maher  / Mrs. Crowley returned back to Liverpool, UK after the incident.

Tomb of  Timothy G. Crowley (Kranji War Memorial)

Straits Times report on the Singapore Riots (Maria Hertogh Riots) of 1950  (source: NewspaperSG)

Straits Times report on the Singapore Riots (Maria Hertogh Riots) of 1950  (source: NewspaperSG)

Maria Hertogh riots. (website). Singapore Infopedia, last accessed 25th May 2020
Maria Hertogh (Nadra). (website). Singapore Infopedia. last accessed 25th March 2020
The aftermath of the Maria Hertogh Riots in Colony Singapore (1950-1953). Syed Muhd Khairudin Aljunied. A Thesis submitted for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Department of History, School of Oriental and African Studies. University of London. (2008). Access from Proquest
Saved Women Duting Riots, Two Praised. (1951, April 4). The Straits Times, page 7



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