A tomb request by Joana Oen was not fulfilled as of today and the fact is, not all tomb request results in success.
Raymond Goh activated us to help in the search for the tomb of Mr. Seet Soon Kyet who passed away in 1944. We tried searching before in the past and today we tried again, this time together with great granddaughter, Joana for Qing Ming 2024. Unfortunately, there is no happy reunion this time around and the search proofed to be unsuccessful at this point of time. Despite Joana's several calls to Mr. Seet to reveal to us his resting place, we were not able to find it and after a while of searching, we stopped. Raymond also mentioned the year on the tombs in the area doesn't match the year of death of Mr. Seet Soon Kyet so there is a possibility we may not be searching in the right area.
This is not the first time, i encountered descendants trying to look for their ancestors and failed to do. We also felt the sorrow of Joana Oen who came prepared to pay respects, but was unable to do so. The heavens seem to concur with her and after a long dry spell of hot weather for what seem to be weeks, it started raining (but fortunately not heavily and only a short while) over Bukit Brown. Sheltered by a canopy of trees, Joana successful made her offerings and sincere prayers that her Great Great Grandfather will reincarnate in a proxy location.
It was during this set-up of offerings that i found out from her that Mr. Seet Soon Kyet came from Jambi, East Coast of Sumatra. He was a plantation owner and merchant with businesses in Jambi and that included owning a cinema in Jambi. Seet Soon Kyet also donated in the construction of a school in Jambi. While at Singapore for business in 1944 he passed away. He is survived by his wife, 2 sons and 1 daughter. The name of his children were; Shi Sip Hok, Shi Sip Coan and Shi Sip Kuy. Joana is from Shi Sip Chun branch of the family.
Joana praying that her Great Grandfather will be reincarnated |
Offerings by the road for Mr. Seet Soon Kyet |
Offerings by the road for Mr. Seet Soon Kyet |
Prayers for reincarnation and the hope we will find Mr. Seet Soon Kyet tomb one day |
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