Ang Chong Beng (Lao Sua)

In memory of the late Ang Chong Beng who died on 13.10.1921. The simple granite stone held up by bricks tomb was erected by P.S.P.A. The acronym was what caught my attention. The only article i could find which mentions Ang Chong Beng during that period of time is one where he was a member of the Chinese Fraternal Union. From what i am aware there were in the past, many mutual aid associations to take care of their members interest especially in times of difficulty or for support in their funeral arrangement and expenses. Crowd sourcing for more information, the name of  province and village, 同安英村 Tong'an, Fujian (village) came out. What does P.S.P.A stands for ? The mystery remains to be solved.



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