An ode to Tombkeeper Ah Soon (Bukit Brown)

I received the dreaded news today that Ah Soon passed away. He was sick for a while and wasn't around during this year's Qing Ming. For those not familiar with him, he was the tombkeeper that looks after Block 4 Section A. To me, Ah Soon was a person of quiet disposition who always carry a friendly smile and will greet you back when you say hi to him. One of his characteristics was that he was a chain smoker and wears a green towel like a bandana on his head. 

It was Ah Soon who shared with me the stories of some of the tombs he managed in "his" area. I still remember him proudly showing me (knowing i can't read chinese) the tombs he manages especially the tomb of two brothers who died one after the other and are buried there - the tomb of Brothers, Lim Kim Siew and Lim Kim Hock. He also shared that they were related to Miss Oh Twa Koh and Madam Wee Cheng Neo. Thanks to his insight, i manage to get more information and link them to many tombs not just in Bukit Brown but also Kopi Sua. 

Tombkeeper Ah Soon taking a smoke break near his tentage 

Bukit Brown has lost not only another local caretaker but with his demise, we lost a wealth of knowledge on the area that that he manages. For me, i will miss his smile and welcoming disposition when i explore "his" area. 

Eternal rest grant unto Ah Soon, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May his souls and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

Ah Soon with his signature green bandana and warm smile 



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