Tan Jiak Kam (former Alexandra Cemetery)

Tan Jiak Kam (1865-1889) passed away at the age of 23 on 10 June 1889. When he passed away at 24, his wife Song Guat Neo was on 17.  
Song Guat Neo came from an old Straits Chinese family. Her father was Song Kee Lian and brother, Song Chin Eng. 
Tan Jiak Kam is the brother of Tan Jiak Kim,
Tan Jiak Kim is the son of Tan Beng Swee and grandson of Tan Kim Seng.  

Tan Jiak Kam
Tan Jiak Kam 

Song Guat Neo passed away on 20 September 1938 at the age of 66

Song Guat Neo
Song Guat Neo 



Location of tomb 

The photo of this cluster of tombs related to Tan Kim Seng descendants was taken when it was located at Choa Chu Kang Cemetery. However in 18 July 2017, a jointly issued statement by MND, NEA and SLA  required the exhumation of 45,500 Chinese and 35,000 Muslim graves for the Tengah Air Base expansion. This cluster of tombs no longer exist. The remains are likely now at Choa Chu Kang Columbarium. 

Choa Chu Kang Cemetery where the cluster of relocated tombs was once located before being exhumed yet again due to Tengah Airbase expansion 



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