Chua Tian Poh (Lao Sua)

Chua Tian Poh passed away at the age of 62 on 11 November 1954. From his tomb, the name of his children;
Sons: Chua Ah Gong, Chua Ah Lai, Chua Soh Lai
Daughters: Chua Bee Neo, Chua Cheot Tee, Chua Bong Chee, Chua Puteh, Chua Peck Choo, Chua Ah Pong, Chua Peck Heok,
Grandsons: Chua Goo Kiah, Chua Tee Kiah
Granddaughters: Chua Gek Neo, Chua Choo Neo

Chua Tian Poh married Madam Teo Kim Neo (daughter of Mr. Teo Hong and Madam Ang Cheok Neo). I also heard from his descendants that Mr. Chua Tian Poh was an employee in one of Mr. Teo Hong's company. Chua Tian Poh  command of chinese was poor, so he communicated with his wife Teo Kim Neo and children in a mixture of Malay and English. I also found out that Mr. Teo Hong wasn’t happy when he knew his employee, Chua Tian Poh was courting his daughter. Teo Kim Neo fell out with his father but remained in good terms with her mother, Madam Ang Cheok Neo. When Madam Teo Kim Neo passed away, she left behind four apartment units along Eng Hoon Road. This was said to be given by her mother Ang Cheok Neo. Teo Kim Neo passed away in 1960. 

Tomb of Chua Tian Poh (photo courtesy of Leslie Chang)

Unique names: Ah Gong, Goo Kiah, Tee Kiah, Puteh

What is also very interesting is the name of his eldest son, Ah Gong (which in Hokkien literary means dumb) and 2 of eldest grandsons were called Goo Kiah (hokkien for calf) and Tee Kiah (hokkien for piglet). I learned that in the past, to avoid evil spirits from "disturbing" their children (especially boys), parents would name their son's in a "ugly" manner so to avoid premature mortality. 

The other name that caught my eye is the name of his daughter - Chua Puteh (Puteh is white in Malay) which is great example of assimilation of local Malay to the names of their children. 

Son: Chua Ah Gong
Mr. Chua Ah Gong married Miss Tan Siew Ping in a mass wedding organised by the Mayfair Musical and Dramatic Association at the Victoria Memorial Hall on 29 October 1950. All in all, there were 19 bridal couples where the Masters of Ceremonies, Mr. Ng Aik Huang presided. This was the 12-yj post war mass wedding organised (by Mayfair Musical and Dramatic Association). 
Mr. Chua Ah Gong passed away on 5 May 1995 and leaves behind his wife, Tan Siew Ping
Sons: Chua Chin Beng, Patrick ; Chua Chin Hock, Barry 
Daughters-in-law: Then Yee Chern, Angelina, See Bee Liang, Jessie,
Daughters: Chua Gek Neo, Maureen ; Chua Choo Neo, Jenny ; Chua Lian Choo; Chua Kim Choo, Ivy ;Chua Lay Choo, Irene ; Chua Ai Choo, Audrey ; 
Sons-in-law: Yong Kok Kwang, Goh Puay Heng, Tan Seng Wah, Ng Kok Meng, Lee Boon Keng
6 grandsons and 3 granddaughters.

Chua Ah Gong 

Daughter: Chua Peck Heok / Mrs. Chang Yee Chiang 
There was an incident reported in the papers in 1970. Quick thinking and bravery by Madam Chua Peck Heok (in the article name as Chua Ah Yow) led the foiling of an attempted robbery at their watch shop. The 4 robbers armed with parang and a gun escaped empty ended. Mr. Chang Yee Chiang (in the article also referred as Mr. Teo Ai Keong), the proprietor of Lee Seo Choon watch-camera-and pen-shop sustained injuries from a slash wound on his left shoulder after he tried to intervene when his wife raised the alarm. 

Madam Chua Peck Heok passed away in 2018. 

Mr. Chang Yee Chiang was the sole proprietor of Lee Seo Choon Watches and Photographic Equipments. He retired and handed the business to his son, Leslie Chang in 1988. The business was first officially opened on 8 September 1968 at 639, Havelock Road (Block 29). 

Mr. Chang Yee Chiang in cast (aftermath of the failed robbery attempt) 
Source: NewspaperSG

Location of tomb

Lao Sua 

Tomb of Chua Tian Poh restored (photo courtesy of Leslie Chang)


Exchanges with Leslie Chang
Housewife braves knife and scares off thugs. (1970, February 15). The Straits Times, page 6
"Giggling Skinny Thugs" Routed. (1970, February 15). Eastern Sun, page 1 by Charlie Chan. 



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