Qing Ming in Lao Sua with the Seah family (2025)

Today, 15 March 2025 - there is already a steady stream of visitors coming to Bukit Brown and its surrounding cemeteries to pay respects to their ancestors ! Qing Ming as started early. I even seen a chartered bus with many family members coming to clean and respects too. I am very fortunate today to be able to follow the Seah (谢) family in their regular yearly visits to pay respects to their grandmother / great grandmother, Madam Tan. Madam Tan tomb is located deep in Lao Sua (Hokkien Clan) cemetery adjacent to Bukit Brown. 

The Seah family all ready for Qing Ming and with company to assist 

Arriving in the middle of the jungle of Lao Sua 

Madam Tan passed away in 1951 and originally lived with in Kampong Chai Chee area. This is the only information i have for now.

Paying respects to her grandmother, Madam Tan 

James Seah paying respects to her great grandmother 

The ceramic photo may have faded but the strength of filial piety is obvious 

Everyone taking turns to pay respects 

Getting ready to burn the offerings 

Packing while waiting for the offerings to be burnout. 


I will like to convey my sincere thanks to James Seah and the Seah family for their generosity in sharing this Intangible Cultural Heritage tradition that is still been practiced by them till today. 

Location of tomb 

8RJF+JMX Singapore


Bukit Brown Cemetery, a UNESCO World Heritage site. (website). Rojak Librarian, 2 April 2013
UNESCO Heritage site bid - Why not Bukit Brown too? (website). Rojak Librarian, 14 April 2013
Parliamentary Question by Ms. Janice Koh (Bukit Brown). (website). Rojak Librarian, 9 July 2013
Singapore's Intangible Cultural Heritage. (website). Rojak Librarian, 11 March 2018


  1. Thank you and the Seah family for sharing this meaningful moment with us.
    It is a privilege to be able to witness such intimate ritual, even second hand.
    Using this opportunity to share my appreciation for the work that you are doing and effort taken to maintain this page.
    Kind regards,


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