Mrs. Koh Chin Joo nee Madam Lim Hong Neo (Lao Sua)

Mrs. Koh Chin Joo nee Madam Lim Hong Neo passed away at the age of 78 on 26 November 1967 leaving behind 4 sons, 2 daughters, adopted daughter (Madam Lim Sim Kee), son-in-law (Cheong Chee Hock), 2 daughters-in-law and several grandchildren. The cortege left from 507 Havelock Road. 
Sons: Koh Sian Poh, Koh Sian Cheng, Koh Sian Swee, Koh Sian Hoe
Daughters: Koh Gek Choo, Koh Gek Eng
Grandson: Koh Kim Seng
Granddaughters: Koh Kim Choo, Koh Kim Suan, Koh Kim Lian, Koh Kim Guat
Mrs. Koh Chin Joo nee Madam Lim Hong Neo 


Husband: Koh Chin Joo
Mr. Koh Chin Joo of 507 Havelock Road was a clerk employed by Messrs. Fraser and Neave Ltd. Mr. Koh Chin Joo passed away at his residence, 507 Havelock Road at the age of 64 on 13 March 1951. He leaves behind his widow, 4 sons (Koh Sian Poh, Koh Sian Cheng, Koh Sian Swee and Koh Sian Hoe, 2 daughters (Mrs. Cheong Chee Hock and Miss Koh Gek Eng, Rosie) and 1 adopted daughter (Mrs. Koon Kim Leng), 5 grandchildren, 2 sons-in-law and 1 daughter-in-law (Mrs. Sian Swee). 

Son: Koh Sian Poh
Mr. and Mrs. Koh Sian Poh (eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Koh Chin Joo of Singapore. Bride was formerly Ellaline Chan Kwye Neo (youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chan Teck Chye of Malacca). Marriage photo appeared on 26 January 1941. A tea party was held at the "Say Peng Gardens" Klebang Besar. Mr. Chan Teck Chye was labelled as one the Malacca millionaires. 
Koh Sian Poh passed away at the age of 77 on 31 October 1994. He leaves behind;
Brother: Koh Sian Hoe
Sisters: Mrs. Cheong Chee Hock, Koh Gek Eng 

Koh Sian Poh and Ellaline Chan Kwye Neo

Son: Koh Sian Cheng 
Koh Sian Cheng passed away at the age of 77 on 16 February 1993.
Brothers: Koh Sian Poh, Koh Sian Swee (deceased), Koh Sian Hoe
Sisters-in-law: Chang Siew Jin, Teo Huat Neo
Sisters: Koh Gek Choo , Koh Gek Eng 
Brother-in-law: Cheong Chee Hock (deceased)
The cortege left from No. 9 Carnation Drive.

Koh Sian Cheng 

Son: Koh Sian Hoe / Jolly Koh Sian Hoe 
Jolly Koh Sian Hoe (youngest son of Madam Lim Hong Neo and the late Koh Chin Joo) married Miss Mary Teo Huat Neo (daughter of Madam Tan Leng Neo and the late Mr. Teo Leng Tiong) in October 1958
Jolly Koh Sian Hoe and Mary Teo Huat Neo 

Daughter: Koh Gek Choo /Mrs. Cheong Chee Hock
The engagement is announced in June 1939 between Mr. Cheong Chee Hock (youngest son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Cheong Choon Beng) and Miss Phyllis Koh Gek Choo (elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Koh Chin Joo). 
Mr. Cheong Chee Hock passed away in Perth on 25 December 1991. He is survived by;
Wife: Madam Koh Gek Choo
Son: Roland Cheong 
Daughter-in-law: Tan Soo Hon
Daughter: Yvonne Cheong 
Son-in-law: Edward Lim 
Grandchildren: Cheryl Cheong, Denise Cheong, Jeremy Lim, Grace Lim

Location of tomb

Near Lao Sua carpark

Tomb of Mrs. Koh Chin Joo nee Madam Lim Hong Neo 

See also connection with Madam Koh Chwee Neo




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