Alice Lim (Bukit Brown)

The ceramic picture of this lady caught my eye because on uniform top were chinese characters which i later found out to be Chung Hwa. Was she a student or teacher of Chung Hwa Girls' High School ? This remains a mystery for now. In the burial registrar, her name was listed as : Alice Lim. 
Alice Lim is a Teochew girl who passed away at the age of 18 on 24 January 1937. From this further information, it is more possible that she was a student there. 

Alice Lim of Chung Hwa Girls' High School (1937)

Chung Hwa High School 

Location of tomb 

Block 4 Section A, plot 877 

Tomb of Alice Lim at Bukit Brown

[research on-going]

Chung Hwa Girl's High School

To give a sense of appearance, i tried searching for photos from Chung Hwa Girl's High School and so far i found a photo from 1950's of a photo from the girls basketball team. 



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