Tay Eng Leong (Bukit Brown)

When i have time, i revisit the Bukit Brown Documentation Website which documents tombs which are affected by the highway and no longer exist and reminisce on who they were and what were their stories, knowing that many remain undocumented despite efforts and in this case, i may not have the photo of this tomb.

Tay Eng Leong passed away at the age of 73 on 20 May 1942. Listed on his tomb are the name of his children;
Son: Tay Chim Bong
Daughter: Tay Geok Lan
Grandson: Tay Tiang Guan, Tay Soo Guan 
Granddaughter: Tay Lai Chwee,

Son: Tay Chim Bong 
The engagement is announced of Miss Chan Swee Neo (alias Alice Chan), second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Choh Kim Loy of No. 108 High St, Kuala Lumpur to Mr. Tay Chim Bong of the Borneo Co. Ltd (only son of Mr. and Mrs. Tay Eng Leong of 67 Spottiswoode Park. The wedding will take place on 1 October 1925. 

Daughter: Tay Geck Lian
The engagement is announced of Mr. Low Cheng Lock of the General Post Office (the second son of the late Mr. Low Chin Hong of No. 6 Everton Road, Singapore ) to Miss Tay Geck Lian (the only daughter of Mr. Tay Eng Leong of No. 67 Spottiswoode Park Road, Singapore). The marriage will take place on 20 March 1919





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