Tan Kang Bee Chew (Bukit Brown)

Tan Kang Bee Chew passed away in 1940. Listed on his marble headstone is the name of his brother; Tan Keng Ann Chew. From the burial registrar, Tan Keng Bee who looked so dashing in the suit and tie was only 4 years old when he passed away on 29 September 1940. He was listed as Hokkien. 

Tan Kang Bee Chew has been a tomb where for many years being a magnet for many of us. Initially with the dragons and angel accompaniment and of course his ceramic portrait. He and his brother name is interesting also because of their double surnames. At the moment their back story remains a mystery to me. 

Tan Keng Bee Chew - 4 years old when he passed away in 1940

Tan Keng Bee Chew 

Location of tomb 

Block 3 Division D, plot 991 A

Tan Kang Bee Chew (with angel)



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