Tan Cheong Thye (Kopi Sua)

Tan Cheong Thye passed away at the age of 72 on 16 September 1951 at 11:15 am leaving behind 2 sons, Messrs. Wm. Tan and Tan Chwee Kim and also 2 daughters, 2 daughters-in-law,  2 sons-in-law and 10 grandchildren. Funeral procession started from 26 Sago Lane. 

In loving Memory 
of Mr. Tan Cheong Thye 
who passed away peacefully 
16 September 1951 

From Tan Cheong Thye tomb, the name of his children;
Tan Ah Lek, Tan Chwee Kim
Tan Kim Moey, Tan Ah Moey, Tan Ah Kwee 
Tan Lin Siong, Tan Hoe Guan, Tan Gim Thong
Tan Heng Loo

Tan Cheong Thye 

Tan Cheong Thye tomb at Kopi Sua 

Stories from the tomb

Two things that strike me from Tan Cheong Thye's tomb;

Funeral Procession from 26 Sago Lane 
The first one being was the funeral procession started from 26 Sago Lane, which during that time period (1951) was still an active "sick receiving house " or "death house". Reading other newspaper archives during the September 1951 confirms that 26 Sago is unlikely the house of Tan Cheong Thye as there were other funeral processions from differently families that took place from there.

Tagged number 2816
There was a period of time in 2019 - 2020, that an extensive survey was done at Kopi Sua. There were survey markers, documentation and also markers at almost every tomb in Kopi Sua. This marker (2816) was a reminder of that. 



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